4 Benefits of Camping That Actually Make You a Better Person

There are so many benefits of camping – it’s good for your heart, mind, and soul! Camping can even make you a better person in ways you didn’t anticipate. Hitch up your new or used RV from Fun Town and experience these benefits of camping for yourself!

Connect to What (and Who) Counts

When you disconnect from the fast-paced demands of everyday life, your job, and technology, you’ll be left to connect to the people and things that matter most.

Benefits of Camping

Spending time with your loved ones is a gift, and you’ll find that life around camp often offers group tasks and the opportunities to work together to achieve a goal.

Also, stripping away the constant barrage of things assaulting your senses creates space to welcome the soothing relief of nature. Trade out fluorescent lighting in your office for sunlight dappled through tree branches, or a brilliant night sky. Step away from the artificial smell of cleaning chemicals (they’re everywhere!) for the fresh scent of pine trees after a rain. Turn off the noise from the morning rush hour and constant phone notifications for a crackling campfire and the chirping and scampering of woodland life. And discover what the best cup of coffee really tastes like – here’s a hint: it doesn’t cost $5+ in a crowded drive-thru. You’ll find it on a foggy, chilly morning, warming you up around the campfire coals.

Benefits of Camping

Pick Up New Skills

If it’s been a minute – or never – since you last built a campfire, gathered firewood, baited a fishing hook, whittled marshmallow roasting sticks, or cooked a hot meal over an open flame, it’s time to learn!  Camping provides you with multiple opportunities to learn new skills and teach your kids or grandkids to do the same.

Benefits of Camping

Does Your Body Good

Camping is good for your body! Spending time outside not only gives you ample opportunity for physical exercise in the form of fun – like kayaking around the lake or taking a family nature hike – but you’ll also get the benefits of fresh air and sunshine, which, in turn, will load you up on vitamin D – which is good for your immune system as well as bone health. An extra bonus? Spending time outside can lower your stress levels and increase your production of serotonin, which is a feel-happy, mood-boosting chemical in your body. Win-win!

Benefits of Camping

You may even find you sleep better at the end of a long, fun day spent outside. Physical exertion both increases your daytime energy and helps you sleep deeply at night, so the more fun you have outside while camping the better you’ll sleep! Win-win-win!

Appreciation for Your Surroundings

It’s hard to appreciate and respect something you don’t spend much time with. Immersing yourself in nature can cultivate wonder, awareness, and respect for the world we live in, and inspire you to take care of it in ways you haven’t considered before.

Benefits of Camping

Of course, it’s one thing to talk about the benefits of camping and it’s entirely another to actually experience them for yourself. Contact us today if we can help you shop for a new or used RV so you can own these benefits for yourself!

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